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Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP)

Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property (SAIP)

Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property aims to organize, support, sponsor, protect and promote intellectual property in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia...

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Bahrain - Ministry of industry Commerce and Tourism

Bahrain - Ministry of industry Commerce and Tourism

The Ministry of Industry, commerce and Tourism has been known throughout its long history by different names. The ministry is responsible for multiple...

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United Arab Emirates - Ministry of Economy

United Arab Emirates - Ministry of Economy

Ministry of Economy carries out the preparation of the project of the General Development plan of the state and enhancing UAE competitiveness in the f...

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Kuwait Ministry of commerce and industry - Foreign trade sector and international organizations

Kuwait Ministry of commerce and industry - Foreign trade sector and international organizations

The foreign trade department at the ministry of commerce and industry is the authority responsible for developing activities concerned with regional a...

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Qatar - The Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Qatar - The Ministry of Commerce and Industry

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry is responsible for overseeing commercial and industrial activities for the State of Qatar, directing these activ...

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Oman - Ministry of Commerce and industry

Oman - Ministry of Commerce and industry

The Ministry of Commerce and industry in the sultanate of Oman is responsible for multiple matters relating to trade in Oman internal and external tra...

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GCC Patent Office - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar

GCC Patent Office - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar

The Patent Office of Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) is a regional office specialized in the field of patents and it was est...

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Jordan - The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply

Jordan - The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply

The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has been known throughout its long history by different names. The minis...

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Libya -Ministry of economy and industry

Libya -Ministry of economy and industry

The Ministry of Economy and industry is responsible for the administration of Libya’s economic affairs. Including intellectual property matters; trade...

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Iraq - Ministry of industry and minerals

Iraq - Ministry of industry and minerals

The Ministry of industry and minerals is authorized to take the responsibility of the national industrialization process, overseeing private and publi...

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Tunisia - National Institute for Standardization and Industrial Property

Tunisia - National Institute for Standardization and Industrial Property

INNORPI undertakes all actions concerning standardization, the quality of products and services and the protection of industrial property. Industrial...

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Moroccan office of Industrial and Commercial Property

Moroccan office of Industrial and Commercial Property

OMPIC is the organization in charge of industrial property protection (trademarks, patents, industrial designs) and maintaining of the central trade r...

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Lebanon - Ministry of Economy and Trade

Lebanon - Ministry of Economy and Trade

The Ministry of Economy and Trade is responsible for the administration of Lebanon economic affairs. Follow-up on issues of the commercial, industrial...

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Egypt - Internal Trade Development Authority

Egypt - Internal Trade Development Authority

ITDA is the authority responsible for developing internal trade and encouraging investment in the wholesale and retail trade sectors. It is responsibl...

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Algeria - National Institute of Industrial Property

Algeria - National Institute of Industrial Property

inApi is responsible for implementing the national industrial property policy, as well as the examination, registration and protection of (trademarks,...

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West bank - Gaza - Ministry of National Economy

West bank - Gaza - Ministry of National Economy

The Ministry of National Economy is responsible for all intellectual property (IP) matters ranging from trademarks, industrial designs, patents, names...

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European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

EUIPO is the European Union Intellectual Property Office an office responsible for managing the EU trade mark and the registered Community designs. Th...

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The European Patent office

The European Patent office

The European Patent office’s core activity is to search and examine patent applications and grant European patents. The office also provides capacity...

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World Intellectual property Organization (WIPO)

World Intellectual property Organization (WIPO)

WIPO is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation. WIPO is a self-funding agency of the United Nat...

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The United States Patent and Trademark Office

The United States Patent and Trademark Office

USPTO is the federal agency in the U.S. Department of Commerce that issues patents, trademark registration for product and intellectual property ident...

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China National Intellectual Property Administration

China National Intellectual Property Administration

CNIPA is the patent office of the People's Republic of China. It is responsible for patent work and comprehensively coordination of the foreign relate...

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State Intellectual Property Office of China

State Intellectual Property Office of China

(SIPO) was renamed to China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) in 2018.

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The African Intellectual Property Organization

The African Intellectual Property Organization

OAPI is an IP organization, headquartered in Cameroon and was created by Bangui Agreement. Its 17 member states are mostly French-speaking countries....

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The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization

The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization

ARIPO is an intergovernmental organization for cooperation among African states in patent and other IP matters.

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The Canadian Intellectual Property Office

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office

(CIPO) is a special operating agency of ISED that deliver (IP) services. It is the office that is responsible for all intellectual property matters in...

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